Day 6
World's Largest Walmart Discount Marker. I kid, I kid...
Paul Bunyon figure, where someone stole his axe and replaced it with a wiener. Don't believe me? Look at his hands, and notice that they are positioned to hold an axe, not a wiener.
We were trying to copy the statue. Doug and I were really in to it. Kelly? Not so much. If you look closely, you'll notice that this is her thumbs-down face.
I don't think this photo needs any more explanation.
This bear tree was in a person's yard, so we pulled up the RV in front, jumped out, took a picture, and jumped back in. We were bearly there for a minute. I have no idea if we were spotted. If you look closely, you can see the partridge.
On the left is the World's Longest Epitaph on granite. On the right, the grave of Dorothy Gates, the namesake for Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. We're trying to bow, but it looks awkward. Kelly is apparently mimicking the "no pooping" sign from earlier. Sometimes it takes her a bit to get the joke.
We sat and talked with Lincoln, who is actually a pretty funny guy. He gets a thumbs-up for that! I tried a mirror pose, copying his every movement. I'm getting pretty good at this! Doug decided on a more "intimate" pose, one he knew of from his past involving a girl he knew and a Ronald McDonald figure.
This was a cool restored Texaco gas station along the route. Of course, it was closed, hence the thumbs-down pictures above.
What do you do with a lighthouse that's nowhere near any water? Put a windmill on it!!
We all knew it was just a matter of time. Our shenanigans caught up to us.
Behind my thumb, Kelly is actually doing a great Elvis snarl. Trust me.
Doug and I have gotten so much better at impersonating. It's hard to tell who is whom in these pictures!!
Singing some oldies with Elvis.
Another recycled Paul Bunyon figure. This one is a little better designed, since the rocket could be held this way.