Day 1
My brother, sister, and I decided that we needed a trip together, with no spouses nor children, to reconnect and just have fun together. I think my face still hurts from all of laughing, the jokes, the stupid stuff we did, funny things we saw, and the......sandwiches.

The RV we rented from Greenwood RV. They were good to us, even after we broke it.
I feel like this is some sort of childhood photo remake, but I can't find a childhood one.
This is the cover of our Greatest Hits CD.
It's not lit, so he's obeying the sign.
The before picture. This is in case one of us gets lost, or if one of us kills the other.

Our first stop! We had to get supplies. Mileage - maybe 3 miles?
From our first campsite, a KOA. We don't know why we started the thumbs-up thing, but at this point we had to keep going with it.
We were very disappointed that the campground pool was closed. If you can't thumbs-up, it's thumbs-down!!